Rabbis and Staff
Rabbis and Staff
Shawn Zevit
Lead Rabbi
Rabbi Shawn Zevit is a dynamic and widely known liturgist, teacher, singer, author and consultant to Jewish communities.
He is a 1998 graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and worked for the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation for 14 years as the director of congregational services, outreach and tikkun olam. In 2023, Rabbi Shawn celebrated 25 years as a rabbi and 10 years at Mishkan Shalom.
Rabbi Shawn has been a sought-after teacher and leader of spiritual practice programs, including co-director of the award-winning Davennen Leader’s Training Institute, where he coaches rabbis, cantors and lay leaders of all denominations. He is also a spiritual director for the ALEPH Hashpa’ah program. He has consulted with myriad congregations, organizations and social justice initiatives in the Jewish and secular world.
An accomplished singer and guitarist, Rabbi Shawn is a founding member of the popular Jewish musical group Shabbat Unplugged. He has led Shabbaton programs, and has been guest artist and scholar-in-residence in more than 100 congregations and "havurot." Among his many publications is his most recent book, "Brotherkeepers: New Explorations in Jewish Masculinity" and "Offerings of the Heart: Money and Values in Faith Community."
Rabbi Shawn and his wife, Rabbi Simcha Zevit, make their home in Mt. Airy. Their children/stepchildren and granddaughters live in Cleveland, Ohio.
Noah Dor Lind
Rabbinic Intern
Noah Dor Lind is an artist and fourth-year rabbinical student dedicated to building religious communities that value mindfulness, radical love and transparency.
For much of Lind's childhood and early adulthood, they lived in different parts of the Pacific Northwest. They graduated from University of Oregon with a bachelor's degree in digital art.
After university, Lind moved to Chicago. During the day, they worked as a restaurant host, a math tutor and a marketing administrator to pay their bills. During their evenings and weekends, Lind volunteered with young artists in Logan Square, helped raise money for charitable organizations through DIY basement performances, and explored a diverse range of spiritual practices in their weekly sacred book club.
Lind's background in visual narrative informs every aspect of their future rabbinate. They believe through art and storytelling, we can create a more human world.
Maria Paranzino
Office Administrator
Maria Paranzino joined Mishkan Shalom in 2005.
She skillfully juggles the varied needs of the Mishkan office and daily interactions with our rabbi, staff, board, congregants, vendors, visitors and renters. She is a degreed professional with experience in business administration, marketing and event planning.
Paranzino has been married for 40 years and has three children and three wonderful grandchildren. She is a lifelong resident of Roxborough, with strong ties to the Mishkan community and the surrounding area.
Daniel Ricken
Director of Engagement and Communications
Daniel Ricken's background includes experience as a collaborative leader, educator, recruiter and project manager. Before joining Mishkan Shalom, he worked for five years in admissions at the New York Film Academy.
Ricken is a graduate of Lafayette College and holds master's and doctoral degrees in theater from Bowling Green State University, where his research focused on how gender is represented in the contemporary Broadway musical. While working on this degree, he taught undergraduate classes and led graduate students through on-campus governance and focus group representation for the international Association for Theatre in Higher Education. This work has been informed by over a decade working as a director and stage manager in professional and educational theater.
Cultivating and expanding Jewish community has been a central tenet of Ricken's life and is especially important in the current sociopolitical moment.
Lynn Edelman
Publications Coordinator
Lynn Edelman has served as director of corporate and public communications for the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, as managing editor of the Jewish Voice of Delaware and as press officer for the Consulate General of Israel for the Mid-Atlantic Region.
She is, at heart, a storyteller who continually strives to create messages that engage, inspire and motivate readers. Edelman hopes that the copy she crafts for media releases, newsletter articles, email campaigns and other venues reflects the image of Mishkan Shalom as a progressive, activist congregation where Jews of diverse backgrounds, lifestyles and levels of observance can feel welcome and valued. She helps keep Mishkan congregants up-to-date on the latest news about Mishkan programs, activities and special events and oversees Mah Hadash, the weekly newsletter.
Edelman and her husband, Mitch, live in the Spring Garden section of Philadelphia. They often attend Phillies games and participate in the many rich arts and cultural experiences that our city offers. Edelman is the mother of two adult sons and is an active member of Congregation Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia.
Holli Goldenberg
Education Director, Teen & Tots Coordinator
Holli Goldenberg is an accomplished educator by profession, currently working as a district administrator within the school district of Philadelphia.
She oversees the English as a Second Language program at multiple district schools, has experience in both formal and informal Jewish education and has a background in theater. Her favorite part of the job is getting to see so many children grow up at Mishkan!
Goldenberrg says, "It's really special to be able to see a child grow from Tot Shabbat to Congregational School and expand their Jewish learning!"
Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer
Curriculum Developer, Teacher Support
Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer began her work at Mishkan Shalom as a teacher in 1998 and has considered Mishkan to be one of her spiritual homes ever since!
Her family — husband Fred and kids George and Jeremy — have also been part of the Mishkan community for many years. Kaplan-Mayer is now the curriculum developer for the Mishkan school and leads children's services for the High Holy Days.
Kaplan-Mayer is well-known as an author and Jewish educator whose work focuses on spirituality, creativity and disability She is the proud recipient of the 2022 Covenant Award and currently edits the Jewish Disability Inclusion News.
Kaplan-Mayer also leads Feed Your Spirit Writing, facilitating expressive writing workshops focused on spiritual curiosity and also writes a Substack called "Journey with the Seasons," a weekly practice of meditative reading, expressive writing prompts and deepening practices.
Brian Walt
Rabbi Emeritus
Brian Walt was the founding rabbi of Mishkan Shalom and served as rabbi from 1988 to 2002.
After leaving Mishkan Shalom, Walt helped found and served as the first director of Rabbis for Human Rights–North America, currently called T’ruah. In response to “Operation Cast Lead” in 2008-09, he co-founded with Rabbi Brant Rosen Taanit Tzedek–Jewish Fast for Gaza.
In 2012, Walt led the Dorothy Cotton Institute Civil and Human Rights delegation to the West Bank. The delegation included veterans of the American civil rights movement, who met with leaders of the Palestinian nonviolent resistance movement and their Israeli allies.
Drawing on his own life experience and faith, Walt speaks and writes about the struggle against racism and apartheid in South Africa, Israel and America. He is member of the Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council. Most recently, he served on the organizing committee of Expanding the Conversation about Israel/Palestine in the Reconstructionist movement.
Yael Levy
Rabbi Emerita
Yael Levy served as rabbi at Mishkan Shalom from 1993 to 2020.
Levy is the founder and rabbinic director of A Way In, a Jewish mindful practice that grew out of her work at Mishkan Shalom. Her approach to mindfulness is deeply rooted in Jewish tradition, yet her teachings are accessible to all. She passionately believes in the power of spiritual practice to transform individuals and the world.
Levy is the author of several books, including "Directing the Heart: Weekly Mindfulness Teachings and Practices from the Torah" and "Journey Through the Wilderness: A Mindfulness Approach to the Ancient Jewish Practice of Counting the Omer."
Wed, September 18 2024
15 Elul 5784
Upcoming Events
Wednesday ,
SepSeptember 18 , 2024
Wednesday, Sep 18th 8:00a to 9:00a
Wednesday ,
SepSeptember 18 , 2024
Wednesday, Sep 18th 6:00p to 7:30p
Friday ,
SepSeptember 20 , 2024
Friday, Sep 20th 8:00a to 9:00a
Friday ,
SepSeptember 20 , 2024
Friday, Sep 20th 6:30p to 8:30p
You are invited to a Sing-a-long Shabbat at the home of Nancy and Seth Kreimer. The event will be outdoors. We will welcome in Shabbat together with a pot luck followed by a Sing-a-long. Bring your instruments, your voices, your favorite cold dish or salad (vegetarian or kosher fish) and your Shabbas spirit.. Bread or dessert are welcome as well. We will provide drinks and challah. We have multiple copies of Rise Up Singing. Please bring a copy if you have one, or — of course — other song books and song sheets of your choice, If you can, do shoot an email to nancykreim@gmail.com and esteiker@mac.com and let us know what you plan to bring. If you want to make last minute changes, that is OK too. Fine to bring family and friends as well. We just want to get a general idea of numbers and we will make sure there is enough to go around. Hope to see you there! The Mishmems -
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 21 , 2024
Shabbat, Sep 21st 9:30a to 12:00p
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 21 , 2024
Shabbat, Sep 21st 10:00a to 12:00p
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 21 , 2024
Shabbat, Sep 21st 12:30p to 3:00p
Come stand I2I with the 20s & 30s group after services for a quick road trip to the Philadelphia Film Society for a screening of The Goofy Movie! Tickets are $15.50 for adults and $13.59 for students. Carpooling is available if your are attending service in person and we'll meet you at the theater if you are Zooming in. Please RSVP: Emily Zacek - zacekemily@gmail.com See you at the movies! -
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 21 , 2024
Shabbat, Sep 21st 2:00p to 4:00p
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 21 , 2024
Shabbat, Sep 21st 6:30p to 8:30p
The Mishkan Voter Engagement Team is hosting a Postcard Party to Encourage People in Swing States to VoteFor more information contact Sharon Weinman: sharoncweinman@gmail.com -
Monday ,
SepSeptember 23 , 2024
Monday, Sep 23rd 8:00a to 9:00a