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Creating Your Tzava'ot / Heart Will / Ethical Will

This course, taught by Rabbi Tsurah August, is a three-week class, being offered on Monday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm: October 28, November 11, November 25.

We are delighted to offer this collaborative class between P’nai Or and Mishkan Shalom.  This three-week series aims to inspire and guide us in creating documents for passing down the wealth of wisdom and enduring values we have developed over our lifetimes, to future generations. Tzava’ot, the Jewish term for these documents, often called “Ethical Wills” or, more recently “Heart Wills” is an ancient practice, frequently cited as having its origins in Jacob’s final blessings to his sons. Tzava’ot can be created in almost any format, e.g. written letter, poem, audio or video, et al. Unlike a traditional “memoire”, Tzava’ot focus on our values, beliefs, and life lessons, presented via personal stories, hopes, dreams, feelings, etc. woven together to help our values live on.

• October 28, 2024 (Hosted at P’nai Or)

1) Overview of the practice, reading samples

• November 11, 2024 (Hosted at P’nai Or)

2) Brainstorming ideas, writing from prompts, and creating potential formats/media for our Tzava’ot

• November 25, 2024 (Hosted at Mishkan Shalom)

3) Sharing our progress 

A list of suggested reading will be sent upon registration.

Tuition: $60 for Members (of either P'Nai Or or Mishkan Shalom); $75 for Non-Members

If you are unable to pay the tuition for the class, please contact Maria ( to set up a payment plan or request financial assistance.
The deadline to register and pay in full for this class is Monday, October 21 (one week before the class begins).
Sun, November 10 2024 9 Cheshvan 5785